Logging into your QuickPay account from the app or from the website should always result in a successful login. But if you’re experiencing difficulty logging in through the browser, don’t worry – there are several steps you can take to resolve this issue without having to contact our customer service team at all! We’ve created this guide that outlines each step to take when you’re having issues logging into your QuickPay account on your computer. Hopefully, one of these steps will solve your problem!
You are unable to login to QuickPay with your browser? Don’t worry, we have some tips and tricks that might just help you login to QuickPay no matter what web browser you are using
If you are trying to access your QuickPay account, but are experiencing any issues, it may be an issue with your browser. This article will provide tips on how to troubleshoot the problem and solve the issue causing you trouble accessing your QuickPay login page.
Common Errors
Updating your browser can resolve many common errors. Though it sounds straightforward, updating your browser isn’t as simple as it sounds—there are often multiple browsers on your computer. Sometimes one or more of them needs updating, which is why you need to identify what browser(s) aren’t up-to-date. Make sure you know how to update them before moving forward! To update an older version of Internet Explorer, click here .
If you can’t access your account because of an error, it might be a caching issue. Check your browser’s settings and see if there is an option for clearing your cache. It can often resolve not being able to log in as well as other issues you might have with logging in. If that doesn’t work, try restarting your computer or logging out and back into your QuickPay portal account again. If those suggestions don’t fix things, contact us.
Know the Process
Incognito mode can help you if you are getting not found errors in your browser when trying to sign in. When in incognito mode, all of your cookies are deleted, so they aren’t included in any requests made by your browser. This will let you log into account pages that previously gave login errors when normal browsing. You can start incognito mode by holding Ctrl+Shift+N or clicking File -> New Incognito Window in Chrome, or Command+Shift+N for Safari.
QuickPay is a system that allows users to make quick and easy transfers between their accounts. Users can transfer money to themselves or to other players and it’s completely free. To use QuickPay you just enter your username and password, then click send. To receive QuickPay you just go to your bank account, click Deposit, then select Quick Pay as your deposit method and enter another player’s username as their payment.
Step 2
If you’re having trouble logging into your QuickPay account, it is important to note that if you are using a public computer, you should log out of your account completely. Public computers can hold security risks, especially if they are connected to an open network. When using your personal computer, make sure that it is updated with current antivirus software. We also recommend that users install an ad blocker when browsing online; oftentimes advertisements will redirect users to dangerous websites or spam them with malicious downloads. If you continue to have problems logging in after following these steps please contact customer support via phone.
Step 3
If you don’t have an account yet, you can create one by following a few steps. Go to QuickPay, sign up and choose a username and password. Don’t forget to remember your password! If you lose it, we won’t be able to help you recover it – so make sure you write it down or memorize it. That way, if something happens and your account is frozen for some reason, we can reset your password right away. Once that’s done, return to QuickPay from any of our merchants and log in using your username and password that you just created.
Step 4
If you can’t remember your username or password, click Forgot username or password? to have QuickPay email them to you. If that doesn’t work, then contact your academic department, college office or local IT support for help. This is not an issue with QuickPay itself.