What is education? Does it mean getting good marks and just boost about it? Or it really means to gain knowledge. I think first one is the option we all take definitely which is badly destroying the education system. Education is considered the backbone of any country. Well educated societies have more chances of grooming and development than illiterate societies. But unfortunately, we are going back in educating ourselves.
Our education system all over the world needs improvement. Making plans for making it better is a lot easier as compared to working on the plans.
What to solve? in Education
The first and the foremost thing is to identify what needs to be solves in the education system. The problems change with time depending on how the people involved in assignment help services UAE education label them including students, parents, teachers and administrators.
I am trying to give some of the major issues that are normally being faced in any country within education system especially in under developed companies.
Education Poverty
It is considered the major issue contributing to low education system all over the world. Even in US, the level of poverty stricken children is 22 percent. As students who are deprived from proper sleep and food show very low academic performance. These kinds of students have highest rate of dropouts. Every school is aware of these circumstances but are failed to do any betterment. Children dropping out of the system are considered ill literate that increases the ratio of illiteracy.
Family issues
It is most commonly seen that most of the houses are going through these issues. It is a rare case now a days that a family is living happily. Parental conflicts, divorce, single parenting, fights and abuse are commonly seen in every family. The sad news is parents, teachers and institutional administrators are aware of this but still don’t want to take any step for improving. They don’t feel how this ill behavior is affecting the children and their education. Teachers often try to reduce this, but it can’t get any better until parents realize the consequences.
Modern Education technology
With the advancement in modern technologies day by day, young children are becoming more proficient in technology than old generation teachers. That’s why they are unable to attend to the lectures in the class as they consider it dull and boring in
front of modern technology. Secondly some teachers don’t have knowledge about how to link knowledge with modern technology; they simply fail to make class more interesting.
It creates a severe impact on student’s learning behavior especially younger students. It has become a trend that senior students have the right to bully juniors that should be stopped. Sometimes, no one knows how it is impacting the personality and behavior of the person that is being bullied in educational institution. He/she always remain in threat that they can be bullied anytime. This threat makes them academically weak and reduces their confidence and can also become the reason of dropping out. But still like others, this issue also remained unresolved.
Students’ behaviors
Many students show disrespect for the seniors and teachers in educational institution. These ill behaviors negatively affect their own personality and others around them.
These kind of students are not ready to listen to anyone that makes them rebellious which adversely effects the teachers. This behavior is mostly seen in higher schools than primary ones.
Parent’s involvement
Most of the parents don’t show their interest in their child’s academic performance. This remains a major issue for decrease in quality of educations. They are not willing to take interest or know what their child is going through. Some parents even are not seen the whole year or semester. And some of them get overindulged in every issue that they become a headache for teachers and administration. Parents should get involved to show concern for their child but at the same time also trust the institution and teachers.
Student’s health
Student’s health is very important for better academic performance. Now a day’s proper diet is just like a dream that is just out of reach. Youngsters are consuming fast and junk foods more than pure diet. This is causing to become obese and making them ill. Many young people are suffering from diabetes and heart diseases. These kinds of health conditions are a threat to good performance in academics.
Teacher’s salaries
In the past years, teachers’ salaries have been decreased due to pandemic and many other minor causes. Schools are working on alternative days that are the biggest threat
to education system and teacher’s performance. Teachers are very necessary part of education and when they will not get the benefits they deserve to get, nothing can destroy education system more. Over the world teachers are being humiliated by the parents and administration just for minor reasons that creates stress among them which directly and indirectly effects student learning.
Class Size
Educationists have found out that small class size is very beneficial for student learning. As in small class teacher can easily make sure that every student is getting the objectives of the lecture he/she is trying to teach. But most importantly class size exceeds the balance and single teacher is not able to handle all of them which results in ignorance of some students.
These issues must be resolved if education system needs betterment. Every member of the society is responsible for these issues and their resolution too.