Can you create a WordPress website if you are not very technical? Sure, 100%.
With this step-by-step plan and our (free) WordPress help, we have already helped a few thousand beginners (and experienced users) with building their own WordPress website, blog or webshop.
A free WordPress Plugin step-by-step plan for beginners
Whatever kind of website you want to create, we will help you.
With a clear step-by-step plan, understandable language and additional explanation when you need it. In addition to this fairly extensive manual, we have 70+ mini WordPress how- tos that go deeper into specific WordPress wishes, plugins and problems.
WordPress support
And if you get stuck somewhere – which unfortunately cannot always be avoided – you can use our WordPress helpline. You can use this WordPress helpline for free and unlimited when you purchase a WordPress hosting package from xel.nl – but you will read more about that later.
How long does it take to build your own website?
This is very dependent on the website (or blog) you want to create.
It can be done very quickly. But because everything is new to us, it will probably take a few days.
Building a simple WordPress site Twenty Fifteen
This is what your website will look like after installing WordPress.
Time schedule when building a WordPress site
With 10 minutes of work you have arranged a hosting package and your own domain name and WordPress is installed automatically. You are already the proud owner of a (simple) website.
Then you spend an hour correcting some settings, making a menu and installing a few plugins (small software additions, such as social media buttons and statistics).
Then it is time to search for, choose, buy, install and correct a theme (a design). This is the most work. You can spend tens of minutes doing this, but also tens of hours. Depends on the website you want to make.
Finally, you create and fill any page you want.
An example of a professional design (theme).
How much does building your own WordPress website cost? What are the costs?
If you want to arrange everything right in one go, it will cost about 15 euros per month and 50 euros once.
Then you have everything you need. A fast website, a domain name, reliable hosting, top-notch WordPress support, plenty of space and a professional theme.
1. A hosting package
Simply put, you rent a piece of disk space on an optimized server that is located in a secure data center. Hosting can be compared to renting a piece of land on which you will build your website. It contains the files of your website and they are accessible 24/7 via the internet.
2. A domain name
An internet address, such as www.xel.nl or florienfashion.nl. Similar to a normal home address, without a domain name it is difficult for people to find and visit your website.
3. And software.
Software to build and maintain a website. The building plans and materials of your house. .
The software we will be using is WordPress. WordPress is the most popular and flexible free CMS (content management system) in the world. More than 50% of all websites with a CMS use WordPress.
Do you want to read more about WordPress first?
What exactly is WordPress? And how does it work?
The benefits of WordPress
Let’s start with a hosting package that has all the trimmings.
WordPress hosting package
The Start WordPress hosting package at xel costs € 15.00 per month. You will then get the following:
A free .nl, .be, .eu or .com domain name (save € 5.00 to € 15.00 per year)
More than enough writing space (5GB) and data traffic (fair-use).
WordPress is installed automatically (save fifteen minutes of work).
Five email accounts. Five people can then email with a self-made e-mail address, for example firstname@yourdomainname.nl
Daily backups (if something goes wrong, you can restore a previous version of your website yourself).
The website is 4 to 6x faster than with a normal hosting package. And the speed of your website affects the user-friendliness, number of visitors, conversion and your ranking in Google.
Need help building your WordPress site?
With the WordPress hosting package from xel, WordPress is automatically installed and you can call or email us if you have a WordPress related question.
When building the website you have in mind, you are guaranteed to run into something a few times. Not everything speaks for itself, is discussed in this manual or we do not explain it sufficiently. Normally it takes you a while to find the answer on the internet.
When you purchase the WordPress hosting package from xel.nl, you can submit the question to us. We will then help you further. This can save you dozens of hours of research on an annual basis. And it’s also a nice feeling that you can just call someone if you can’t figure it out.
WordPress installed automatically
After ordering a Premium WordPress hosting package, you will automatically receive an email when your WordPress website is online. You don’t have to do anything.
A few hours after ordering a WordPress hosting package, your website is ready to be further expanded. In the meantime, you could read the rest of the manual, so that you immediately know what you should and can do. Or you can do something else – for example, buy champagne and celebrate that the first version of your website is almost online.