VPS Hosting is one of the most popular and the most demanded type of hosting today. Many people switch from shared hosting to VPS when their shared hosting is not capable of handling the website load. A VPS hosting is popular due to its secure nature and high scalability. It is a cost effective solution which makes it the first preference for the buyers. A VPS can be considered as an upgrade version of Shared Hosting. If you are a VPS owner or you are thinking to buy a VPS server you must have a doubt for what full root access is? Why it is use and what is its purpose also how to use it.
Here in this blog we will know about what is VPS Hosting and what are its benefits.
One of the benefit of VPS hosting is to provide full root access of the server. Let’s dig in to know more about the VPS full root and its benefits.
What is VPS?
A virtual private server or a VPS server is a type of web hosting where you get a virtual server where you get the freedom to use and access all your resources. Here many websites share the resources just like shared hosting but they get a separate environment of virtual server. A VPS is more resourceful than shared hosting it comes with a benefit of more security, scalability, uptime and reliability when compared to shared hosting. It is a natural upgrade to shared hosting you can switch to VPS when you think your website load increase. If you are looking for a VPS server than you may visit Hostnetindia and check our latest and budgeted VPS Plans. We provide instant setup, full root access, 99% uptime, unlimited bandwidth and many more.
What is Full Root Access?
Root access simply refers to administrator access in Linux. If you’ve ever used your home PC, you’ll know that Windows asks for ‘Administrator’ access if you’re trying to delete or move an application. The word ‘root’ is a Linux version of that administrator access.
The concept of root access was developed so that guest users or people without expertise wouldn’t be able to modify, move, or delete important files on a computer. Root access essentially gives you the highest level of access to your Linux machine. In a VPS Hosting environment, it means having root access will allow you to have unhindered, unrestricted access to your server.
The need for root access stems from system administrators wanting complete control over the server. System admins often need to fine-tune configurations, install third-party applications, and change security settings, and so on to deliver optimal website performance and security. Doing these tasks without root access is close to impossible.
One of the most important advantages that the architecture of VPS offers is root access. As mentioned earlier, resources are fixed for a website in a VPS Hosting environment. The advantage of this architecture is that each website can then be treated as a small, independent server. And once you have an independent server all for yourself, root access makes a lot of sense, given that it allows you to customize your server exactly the way you want it.
What is Full Root Access?
Root access means admin authentic access in the Linux server. It is similar to the system security where windows ask you about the administrator permission to edit, move, modify or delete any application.
Root access is a type of security so that any unauthorized person cannot modify, move or delete any type of files present on the machine. But Full Root Access provides you with the authority to use your Linux machine with ease. This means you get full authority to use your server without any hindrances.
The need root access was required to prevent the unauthorized access of the unauthorized party and was to provide complete control of a server. There are certain things which cannot be done without the permission in the server. Full root access provides authentication to system admins to modify the server settings according to them. By the use of Root Access they can easily change the configuration, install various types of applications require by them, and change the settings in order to present good quality of website performance. By getting full root access you can easily modify your server as you want.
Advantages of Root Access
We all know how important security is for any type of website. Whether your website is a business website or a personal website security is the foremost element that comes into the minds of a business owner. With the help of root access you can easily install applications which provides you with enhanced level of security. So that you can stay protected for all types of malicious attacks. Not to mention you can also customize your server settings to enhance more security. You may install a firewall and modify file settings too.
Full Control over your Server
In case you require certain applications to be installed into your server for your business needs or for the reason that your website is growing, you will surely require Root Access. In absence of Root Access for your server, you need to stay in connect with your hosting provider for each and every application or setting which is highly time consuming and does not guarantee that the application will support by the hosting provider simultaneously. Root Access provides you complete control for your server. You can easily configure or edit the files present on the server as per your requirements.
Saves Time
In the absence of root access you will not get much control to your server which means there is only some things which you can do with your website. If you want to change something you need to connect with your hosting provider. This can take a much longer time for a single query generated.
With the help of root access you can do whatever you want at whatever timing. This ultimately saves a huge amount of time and provides you the freedom to get the best control. Not only this, it helps you to increase performance and security.
VPS with Root Access becomes highly powerful. If you do not have knowledge of how to use it, you can end up modifying or deleting important files. Root Access can be highly crucial if you have a well versed technical team. Your team can use it to modify and configure your website as per your requirement with greater performance and security.