Vitiligo is a skin disease that can affect many parts of the body. This can be a difficult thing to deal with, and there are stigmas around it in Pakistani society. There are different ways people reject and dislike people with this issue. Some affectees of it would not be able to get married or have a relationship. This makes it a severe issue for people who wish to have normal lives like normal people. But, did you know there are some home remedies that can help in this skin disease? Yes, it is true, there are different things that can help in this. These home remedies for Vitiligo can help you with this disease. Therefore, you must read the whole article if you have this disease or someone you know has this issue.
1: Papaya, A Perfect Home Remedy for Vitiligo:
Papaya is not only known for being effective for gastrointestinal issues, but it can help in Vitiligo as well. It is quite easy to use this one, and you can use it at any place at any time. You just have to rub papaya pieces on the skin patches. You can also drink papaya juice to get your melanin cells recovered.
2: Red Clay can Help as Well:
Red clay is something that can help in Vitiligo. The thing is that it has copper content, and if you use a tablespoon of ginger juice in it, you can get the results. You just have to apply these two things to the white patches of your body.
3: Turmeric and Mustard Oil:
We all know that turmeric has anti-inflammatory properties, and it also has antiseptic properties. These things make it perfect for Vitiligo, and you can use it for this purpose.
To use it, just:
Mix the two things and apply them there to the affected areas of the body.
4: Reduce stress:
Apart from other reasons that may cause worsening of Vitiligo is stress. Stress can cause the patches to worsen. If you wish to have vitiligo treatment, You should avoid having stress. Although normal stress levels won’t cause any issue, it would cause an issue in the condition if you have too much stress. You can do meditation or relaxation exercises to avoid this issue. These remedies are home remedies for Vitiligo that work well.
5: Radish Seeds:
The experts say that radish seeds can help in the regeneration of melanin cells that can help in leukoderma. You can make a powder of radish seeds and mix vinegar in it. These two things will be a mixture that you can use as a paste and apply on the areas for six months.
6: St. John’s Wort Herb:
If you think that you would prefer herbs to get rid of this skin disease, you can use John wart’s herb. The experts say that it can help by increasing photosensitivity. For this, you can use this herb extract and drink it.
6: Using sunscreen:
There are some things that can come with leukoderma or Vitiligo. To avoid issues apply sunscreen to the body and especially the part of the skin that has Vitiligo. This can help you avoid the UV rays of the sun. Also, to avoid any issues that would cause other health issues, you should use sunscreen to avoid leukoderma worsening.
7: Black Pepper Essential Oil:
If you are looking to get rid of leukoderma, you can use black pepper oil. It is known for giving pigmentation stimulation, and you can use it for leukoderma. It can improve the blood circulation in the body, and it would help in:
- Bacterial skin infections
- Reduce wrinkle
- Help in pigmentation
The use of this home remedy can help you, and it is easy as well. You just have to apply it on the skin with some olive and coconut oil. Just apply some drops of these oils and apply them to the part of the body that is affected from it.
8: Bergamot Essential Oil:
This essential oil comes from citrus fruits, and it can be an excellent way to treat Vitiligo. This oil has properties that help as a photosensitizer and would enhance the sensitivity of the skin. This means it can improve the production of melanin in the body, and this would lead to improvement in skin colour.
9: Essential oil of Curry Leaf:
This one is for worsening of the issue. And you can use it for fast recovery from this issue. It is among the home remedies for Vitiligo that work well. It is a remedy that would help in the revitalization and rejuvenation of the skin.
10: Black Seed Oil:
It is one of the perfect home remedies for Vitiligo and you can use it to improve skin colour. It can be helpful for re-pigmentation and promotion of skin treatment. It can help with improving melanin in the body. It would get you better in the colour and improve the skin. Moreover, it can help by softening the skin and making it healthier. It would be the perfect leukoderma treatment.
11: Ginger Essential Oil:
This oil comes from ginger root, and you can use it for skin discoloration. Moreover, it can help in the inflammatory conditions of the skin, and this would help in different skin diseases.
If you wish to have results with herbal medicines, you must know the right ways to use them. Moreover, you can use different types of oils and herbal medicines to reduce the white patches. You can also use other home remedies like radish seeds and papaya pieces to improve skin colour. Therefore, you should give these home treatments a try. There is a Pakistani Hakeem medicine that is helpful in the treatment of Vitiligo. The name of the medicine is Safoof Bars and you can buy it from Ajmal. Pk. It is among the amazing home remedies for Vitiligo that work. You must use all of these treatments and medicines in proper ways and without any negative thoughts. If you do not make sure that you use them in a proper way, there are chances that you do not get many results. That is why it is important to make sure that you use these medicines with the best commitment.