There is no secret that the pandemic forced us all to make some serious changes in our daily lives. All businesses have moved into remote working. Most schools are trying to shift into distance learning. In addition, colleges are now entirely online as well.
Due to this change, many students ask others to take my exam for me. Because of this, there is also an influx of online exam helper. Online learning is changing the world of education completely.
While online learning has various advantages that make everyone pick it over traditional learning, it also comes with a set of challenges which makes many consider asking someone to take my exam for me. However, the reason they feel this way is because they are unfamiliar with the environment of online learning.
This post discusses seven tips that can be the online exam helper you need to succeed in the realm of online learning.
Seven Tips for Taking Online Classes
Look Ahead to Time to Understand Your Work
Are you wondering if someone can take my exam for me because you are underprepared? Well, try adopting this tip to avoid having such thoughts later in the semester.
Students who attend their classes online should make a habit of interacting with subject matter and assignments before the classes start. Every course has a learning management system such as Canvas and Blackboard. You can use them to familiarise yourself with this interface. You can look ahead of your schedule to see when your assignments are due so that you can prepare for them earlier rather than pulling an all-nighter to complete them.
In any online class, things usually run in a format that you might not have in a face-to-face class. You will not get a physical reminder in online learning as a lot is going on. Thus, students need to organise time themselves and the best way to do so is by planning ahead.
Set a Study Time and Take Breaks
Students who opt for online learning often have other obligations and responsibilities. For instance, family responsibilities, childcare, internship and so much more. They all require your attention and time, making it essential for you to create a schedule to follow along.
If you want to make this more effective you need to divide tasks into small chunks. Doing so gives students a sense of accomplishment. It makes them feel as if they are progressing. Therefore, setting up a study time is one of the best online exam helper out there!
Communication is The Key
Online learning heavily relies on group assignments which you are required to do along with other classmates. This tip is equally important for both in-person and online classes. However, for in-person classes, you have instructors to facilitate the entire process. This isn’t the case for online learning. You need to make a conscious effort of making sure that all communication is happening effectively.
Whether you have it through email, instant message, zoom, shared documents, phone calls, or any form of communication, you should always prioritise group communication in order to avoid confusion.
Divide Group Work As Soon As Possible
It is crucial for you to divide all of the work amongst everyone as soon as you get partners assigned. However, it is important to make sure that everyone gets appropriate work so that everyone is equally responsible to complete tasks.
This is why you should ask everyone what they are good at beforehand and assign everyone work either according to their preference or through a raffle. Just make sure that not one person is doing all of the tasks, and someone is slacking off.
Always Ask For Help From Instructor
Similar to how important it is to communicate with classmates and groupmates, it is essential for you to communicate with your instructor as well. Make a conscious effort to touch base with your instructor.
Whether you have a specific query about an assignment or just want them to know that you are having a hard time, try reaching out to them. This is because your instructors are there to guide you through.
Usually, instructors see you are having a hard time through your face. However, it isn’t possible with online learning. Therefore, talk to them so that you can not only feel better but also be more successful.
It is important to note that you do not need to communicate with your instructors only when things are going wrong. You can reach out to them to show appreciation, to let them know things are going well — anything that helps build a relationship.
Try Participating as Much as You Can
Regardless of whether you are attending an online class or in-person, participating is highly important. Furthermore, to show your professor that you are engaged, active participation helps display that you are learning and willing to put in any kind of effort that is required. While education is usually looked at by others as a passive process, actively participating makes it an active process.
To simply put it, the more you participate in classes, the more you will get out of it.
Be Flexible
Online learning demands flexibility, not only for students but also for instructors. When teachers had to switch from in-person learning to remote learning, they had to sacrifice their weekends to adjust to this new environment. This is because no one planned this. It is much harder for them as compared to you. Hence, you should demonstrate basic empathy by actively participating in class, being sympathetic if the instructor or classmates are struggling with their laptops. We need to be there for each other in this transition.
While online learning might not have been what you planned, it is important for us to get used to it in order to stay safe. All the above-mentioned tips are the most effective ways to adapt to such challenging times. You will be thanking us once you start implementing them.