Several veins run throughout our bodies that carry deoxygenated blood. These veins are also present in the large intestine. Due to certain reasons, the veins inside the large intestine get swollen and create medical problems near the rectum and anus. This condition is known as Hemorrhoids or Piles that is a common problem in adults nowadays. The main cause of such a condition is unknown. Though, most people with a bad lifestyle can suffer from such a problem.
General Description
Hemorrhoids can develop in the interior or exterior region of the large intestine. When this condition occurs inside the rectum area, then it is called internal hemorrhoids. The swelling of veins around the anus is called external hemorrhoids. But these problems can be cured with the right treatment.
Why do Hemorrhoids Occur?
The reasons for a vein to swell and disturb your daily life can differ from person to person. Some common causes are listed below:
- Being obese.
- Having an unhealthy diet
- Not exercising and sitting at the same place for long intervals.
- Applying a lot of strain during bowel movements.
- Lifting heavy weights without any proper support or protection.
- Suffering from constipation or diarrhea for many days.
- Taking a long time for completing bowel movements.
- Pregnancy can also have an impact on the nerves.
- Stress or anxiety issues.
Types of Hemorrhoids with Symptoms
Here are some signs and symptoms to find this medical condition in a person:
External Hemorrhoids
This type of hemorrhoids can occur under the anus skin or around it. In such conditions, the patient can feel the lumps created by veins near the anus. The person will feel itching and irritation near the swollen area followed by discomfort. Painful hemorrhoids are also observed in this condition. Additionally, bleeding and swelling are some more common symptoms of external hemorrhoids.
Internal Hemorrhoids
The veins inside the rectum can also become swollen causing internal hemorrhoids. In such a condition, the swelling can be felt while touching. However, it may cause pain and bleeding during bowel movements.
Thrombosed Hemorrhoids
A form of hemorrhoids where a blood clot occurs inside the hemorrhoidal vein, then this condition is known as Thrombosed Hemorrhoids. Such a condition causes blockage in the passage of blood due to which swelling can occur in the tissues. A person suffering from Thrombosed Hemorrhoids can feel severe pain and have bleeding during bowel movements. Some of these hemorrhoids get converted into ulcers causing more problems to the individual.
How Hemorrhoids are Diagnosed?
There are several ways to diagnose this condition. A few tests that are performed by a doctor are given below:
Physical Exam
In this step, the patient is asked about general health and medications. The doctor then checks the anus area of the person and tries to find any lumps. Once this basic exam is completed, further tests are conducted.
Digital Rectum Exam
This exam is performed to check for abnormalities in the interior region of the anus and rectum. In this test, a gloved finger is inserted inside the anus using proper lubrication. If there is any abnormal formation found, then the doctor proceeds with the required treatment.
In this test, a long tube with a camera is inserted inside the colon of the patient. The colon is the lowest part of the intestinal region that is also connected with the anus and rectum. This is a digital method that is performed to find the exact state of a medical condition.
It is a similar process to colonoscopy. Here a sterilized tube is inserted into the anus to get a clear visual of the hemorrhoids.
In this method, light is attached to the tube that is inserted inside the patient’s body via the anus. Using this tube, a doctor can also take a sample of the affected area that can help in further examination.
Treatment Procedures
The first step for a patient is to change their diet and lifestyle. Some prescribed drugs help in relieving pain and discomfort in the anus region. Ointments such as hydrocortisone and lidocaine are also given that can be applied directly to the skin. Additionally, the doctor will go for surgical or less invasive procedures for the treatment of hemorrhoids.
Minimal invasive Techniques
- Rubber Band Ligation:Stopping the blood flow coming to Hemorrhoid by using rubber bands.
- Sclerotherapy: Reducing the size of Hemorrhoids by injecting a chemical substance.
- Coagulation: Infrared or lasers are used to damage hemorrhoids and reduce their size.
Surgical Techniques
- Hemorrhoid Removal: Complete affected area is removed.
- Hemorrhoid Stapling: Using stapled hemorrhoidopexy, the blood flow is cut off for internal hemorrhoids.
Whom Should You Visit?
Depending on the condition, one can visit a Singapore haemorrhoids surgeon. The doctor will prescribe certain medications and perform a simple surgery to cure your problem. Hemorrhoid surgery Singapore is a short procedure with no side effects. Consult with Dr Aaron Poh today, one of the best colorectal surgeons in Singapore.