The initial few months with your baby can be overwhelming and chaotic for new parents. You’ll receive a variety of contradictory advice from all kinds of people regarding newborn care. Deciding on the best advice to follow about the care of your newborn is a bit of a challenge. Being a parent is challenging and exhausting, yet it’s also one of the most enjoyable and rewarding experiences you’ll ever have. Here we’ll share some practical tips on how to take care of the newborn baby.
How to take care of a new born baby?
The most important thing is to feed your baby at the right time. Infants should get fed at least every two or three hours. This means you have to give her a bottle of milk every 8-12 hours for 24 hours. Infants should only be fed breast milk during the first six months. Breast milk is a source of vital nutrition and antibodies necessary for a baby’s survival and growth. Nurstrate your baby for at least 10 minutes. Place the breast on the infant’s mouth until the baby latches tightly and begins sucking. Suppose your baby latches onto correctly, and the mother can latch on correctly. In that case, she will not have any discomfort in her lips. The breast will feel less full after the baby has completed the feeding. This indicates it is receiving sufficient milk. If breast milk isn’t an option, then feed your baby the doctor-approved formulation. The baby should be provided 60-90 ml of formula each feeding.
Massaging is an excellent method to connect with your child. It also aids in calming the baby and also improves the flow of blood and digestion. A small amount of baby lotion or oil onto your fingers. Then, slowly and carefully massage her body. Keep eye contact with the baby, and converse with her as you rub her body. The ideal moment to massage the baby is before bath time.
Bathing a newborn baby is a highly delicate job. Bathing is generally scheduled for within 2 to 6 hours following the birth of the case of a healthy term infant weighing more than 2500 grams. But, bathing may be delayed in certain circumstances like winter. If you have a baby with the case of a baby with low birth weight, the bathing process should be delayed until the cord is completely removed.
Then, the baby should be bathed two to three times per week until the stump of the cord dries out and then falls off. Be sure to have all items for bathing and changing before taking your baby bath. The bathing time is just before bedtime. It will help your baby sleep more peacefully. It is essential to have an infant bathtub with lukewarm water, mild baby soap, body wash towels, cream or lotion for your baby, new diapers, and clean baby clothing. Ask your partner or family member to assist with the bathing process so that one can hold the baby’s head and neck over the bath while the other bathes baby. Make sure to use soap sparingly. Next, cleanse your baby’s genitals, hair, scalp, facial, neck, and any mucous that may have accumulated on the nose using the washcloth. Next, cleanse your baby’s body using water that is lukewarm. After this, clean the baby’s skin with the help of a towel. Then apply some lotion, and put on a clean diaper and baby’s clothing.
Handling Your Newborn
There are a few rules to be aware of in your playtime with your child. First, do not shake your baby, as her organs inside are delicate and could be damaged when shaken vigorously. Second, don’t throw your baby into the air because this could be hazardous. Third, always wash or disinfect your hands before touching the baby since their immune systems aren’t fully developed and are susceptible to infection. Fourth, ensure that your baby is securely secured in the car seat, stroller, or baby car seat if you’re taking your child out. Finally, let your child lay on her stomach each day for a short duration. This will help make her back and neck muscles stronger. This will also help improve her vision as she will be required to look both up and down to observe.
Umbilical Cord Care for Stump
One of the most important aspects of infant care during the 1 1st month The most important thing to remember is the 1st month of baby care is taking care of the umbilical cord stump. Bathe your baby for 2-6 hours following birth using lukewarm water for a well-nourished newborn. Keep the navel free of dirt and. Keep the diaper of your baby in a folded position so that the stump is dry. Cleanse your hands before handling the navel region. For cleaning, use an abrasive cloth and then dry using a clean, absorbent material. Check for indications of infection in the cord-stump location. Bring your baby to a pediatrician if there’s swelling, redness, discoloration, smelly discharge or pus, and bleeding around the navel region.
Be sure to hold your baby correctly
It is vital to ensure that you’re holding your baby’s head and neck by using one hand as you have her. This is because her neck muscles aren’t yet strong enough to support the lead stably. However, the backbone is expanding and getting stronger. The neck can keep the head by itself only after 3 months. Therefore, pay attention to the support of your baby’s neck and head when taking care of your newborn baby.
The need to change diapers often is essential in taking care of the newborn baby following delivery. Suppose your baby is drinking enough formula or breast milk and formula. In that case, she should wet at least 6-8 diapers a day in addition to regular stool movements. Change her diaper regularly and as soon as it is complete. You might even need to change it 10 times a daily. Suppose you want to change a dirty diaper. In that case, it is necessary to have sheets for changing, soft diaper wipes, cream for diaper rash or baby powder, and fresh diapers. To prevent UTI diaper rash, clean the baby’s back to front rather than front to back. Let your baby stay without diapers for at least a couple of hours per day.
Click here to read how to change a baby boy diaper.
When you complete feeding your baby, it is necessary to be burped. Babies ingest air during feeding and cause gas and colic in their stomachs. Inhaling air helps to eliminate this air, thereby aiding in digestion and preventing spit-ups and stomach colic. Hold the baby gently against your chest with just one hand. The baby’s chin should be resting over your shoulder. Massage her back using your other hand until she burps.
Newborns require sleep for approximately 16 hours per day during the first two months. They typically have naps that last between 2 and 4 hours and get up when they’re thirsty or wet. Because the infant must be fed at least every 3 hours, it is possible to awaken her and provide her. Don’t be concerned if you do not observe the perfect newborn sleep schedule. Each baby is unique and has a distinct sleeping cycle. It is essential to alter the position of your baby’s head during sleep. This helps prevent the formation in the form of flat areas on your head. Be sure to put the baby on her back to avoid being suffocated. The mother should nap with her baby. You can also take advantage of the time to bathe or enjoy a meal as your baby sleeps.