Complimentary Educational Activities (APC)
1 hour per week. the APCs provide students with difficulties or not with differentiated support, adapted to their needs, to create or reinforce the pleasure of learning.
Teachers can thus help students when they encounter difficulties in their learning, support them in their personal work or offer them an activity planned as part of the school project.
For example, it can be a theater activity that concerns the whole class or reinforcement of a skill in mathematics or French which will concern a few pupils in difficulty.
For students in difficulty, the teachers identify the weaknesses, the council of teachers proposes a work plan over a defined time. Parents must give their consent. They are kept informed of progress.
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Refresher courses
5 x 3 hours during the spring holidays, at the beginning or end of the summer holidays to allow CM1 and CM2 students to come back to basic notions in French and mathematics and restore self-esteem;
These courses are supervised by a teacher on a voluntary basis. They are offered to families who must give their signed agreement.
Educational Support
Additional offer on extracurricular time and in a partnership framework (help with school or methodological work, documentary research and help with homework, sports or artistic activities);
All volunteer students from CP to CM2 in priority education or outside priority education if there is an agreement with the town hall/IA can benefit from it.
The Personalized Educational Success Program (PPRE)
Coordinated support action plan based on the student’s situation and the end-of-cycle objectives, translated into short-term objectives accompanied by evaluation indicators, deadlines and intermediate reports and including the points of view of the child and his family. This document must be written in such a way as to be readable by all and co-signed by the parents and the student.
The Personalized Support Plan (PAP)
The PAP allows any student with lasting academic difficulties due to a learning disability to benefit from adjustments and adaptations of a pedagogical nature. The PAP thus replaces the PPRE if the difficulty persists.
It is proposed by the school council or the class council with the agreement of the family, it can also be requested by the family.
The report of the disorders is made by the school doctor. The PAP can continue in college and high school. It is revised every year. It does not fall under the handicap.
The Individualized Welcome Project (PAI)
Project intended to facilitate the school integration of a sick child and comprising the particular modalities of daily life and the conditions of intervention of the partners (incompatible activities, time arrangements, diets, etc.);
This plan must be signed every year between the family, the school doctor, the school principal, the teacher, a facilitator, or any person likely to take care of the child.
The Specialized Assistance Project (PAS), Better Known as RASED
Specialized assistance project complementary to the assistance provided in class specifying the objectives, the approach envisaged, its duration, and its evaluation methods;
This project is set up by the teacher in charge of predominantly pedagogical or predominantly re-educational assistance in consultation with the class teacher and/or the cycle council.
The Personalized Schooling Project (PPS)
Training course favoring, as far as possible, training in ordinary schools and defining its methods, its progress and the pedagogical, psychological, educational, social, medical and paramedical actions responding to the particular needs of a pupil with a disability.
This project is developed for each disabled child by the multidisciplinary team (medical, family and school), following an assessment of their skills and needs. It is adjustable at the request of the family or the school and signed every year.
The Educational Success Program Of The Social Cohesion Plan (PRE)
A program seeking to globally identify the difficulties and to provide an individual response to each situation through parenting support actions or homework help;
A multidisciplinary team develops the system regulated by a confidentiality charter. These educational success schemes are primarily aimed at children aged 2 to 16 located in sensitive urban areas, or schooled in a priority education establishment.
The School Project
It proposes, in compliance with official texts, targeted actions that take into account the specificity of the school population considered. Among the axes of work, figure that of the treatment of the difficulty;
it is drawn up by the entire team, then submitted for the opinion of the school council.