Getting your body regularly checked to make sure that you are fit enough to fight any health issues is always good. That’s the reason many people go for blood tests because they can help you to analyze the external & internal health of your body. When we talk about blood tests, it is obvious that your blood will be extracted from your body to report that you are safe and surrounded.
The experts use the one and only premium method is a medical syringe, to store and take the blood out from your body. Selecting the right needle for the collection of blood from your body is crucial. Well, the market is completely loaded with options when it comes to purchasing needles. Let us have a glance at the tips and other information to pick the right needle. Keep reading!
Types of Needle
The process of phlebotomy is not easy as it needs proper attention and tools. Thus, the 20ml syringe with a needle is one of the crucial tools that might be needed during the entire process of taking the blood out of your nerves. There are statistically two specific needles types that are used for carrying the process of phlebotomy. Written below is the brief information about both of them:
The Straight Needle
The straight needle is typically attached to the syringe or tube holder before collection. Also, if the user selects or picks the tube holder, the phlebotomist inserts the needle into the vein and then places the evacuated tube on the backside of the needle to withdraw the blood from your needle.
The back part of the cannula is known to be a flexible rubber over the posterior end of the cannula. Hence, the cannula is usually sealed when the needle is not in use. Once the operator has connected the tube, it results in the breakage of the seal, and the vacuum gets in the evacuated tube automatically. This will help you to withdraw the right volume of blood.
A flexible rubber fitting helps in preventing the blood from draining out of the cannula with every tube removal. The design of the collection system and straight needle is ideal when multiple samples are needed. Also, you can add or remove as many tubes to your needle for better results. Coming to straight needles then these are commonly found in 21 and 22 gauge.
Also, you will come across a 10ml syringe and straight needles such as stick reduction, cost-saving, and quality venous samples. However, there are a lot of extenuating factors that lead to the use of the butterfly needle, including the time when working with fragile or small veins.
The Butterfly Needle
The next type is the butterfly needle or the winged-infusion blood collection unit, and it connects with the slender tubing for smooth access through the difficult veins. Also, the needle is straight and short with plastic wings for the phlebotomist to hold during insertion. Also, the tubing attaches to the connector and either a vacuum tube holder, syringe, another tubing, or collection bottle.
The usual butterfly needles are ½ to ¾ inches long, and it is available in a great range of the gauge, and the range between 21 to 23 is most often used. The smallest gauge, 25, is specifically used for pediatric patients. Also, the short needle length helps the doctor insert it at shallow angles to enhance the ease of use.
Also, the medical syringe and needle come with a safety device that slides over the needle to lock it after it is used for minimizing the risk of the needle stick. Thus, the design of the winged-infusion blood collection needle is perfect for people with fragile, sensitive, or small veins.
Also, for medical cases, the finely bored 25-gauge needle is the most preferred method for people. On a special note, it is best to always avoid the straight needles in which patients have uncontrolled movements such as seizing due to the increased risk of nerve damage.
Butterfly or Straight Needle: Which is Perfect?
Straight needles are typically known as the prime choice for blood sample collection, and they are less prone to clotting and conditions such as hemolysis than the collection done using IV catheters.
The proven study conducted in 2003 for finding the risk factors for clotting in the blood samples has found that the straight needles are a more preferred choice to IV catheters as per the decreased risk of hemolysis. Also, another study conducted in 2008 found that retracting was the safest, and it led to a 62% reduction in the risk of needlestick injuries.
Although secondary to the user and patient safety, the cost is something that should not be ignored while choosing the volume of use that needs to be involved in phlebotomy supplies. Thus, the straight needles and medical syringe is relatively cheap, and it costs less than twenty cents as the specimen is drawn.
Therefore, most laboratories and hospitals need to monitor the use of butterfly needles with complete care. Also, the judicial evaluation of the available patient veins is available in different needle sizes and types. Furthermore, the collection kit choice is also crucial.
Buy the Best 20ml Syringe and Needle Online
As of now, you might have received or perceived a great idea on how to pick the right needle for extracting the blood from your veins. But picking out the right place for purchasing the finest quality needles or syringes is a must. Cheappinz is one such destination where you can get the best and most desirable range of needles or syringes. To get a better understanding and perception of our services, hop on to our website!