Wearing Gothic outfits according to the subculture that you believe in is okay, but the things that further accentuate the Gothic look are gothic accessories, typical Gothic symbols at home, on your outfit, or pieces of jewellery.
The popularity of Gothic fashion
Gothic fashion, which reached new heights of popularity in the 1990s, was presentable fearlessly and received the admiration that it deserved. There were some typical accessories that most gothic women-owned and made them look as if they were part of the “team”.
The basic and stereotypical Gothic person were seen in Gothic blouses and leather skirts/trousers or dresses in black and dark outfits. Apart from that fishnet stockings, lacy gloves, boots, pale base makeup, dark eyes, black or dark red lips, chipped black nails were some of the typical makeup styles that were seen.
The gothic outfits were accentuated by gothic handbags, totem symbols, and jewellery. The styles are meant to be out-of-the-box, not abiding by the norms, yet the Goths carry themselves confidently and that is what they believe in.
Here is a list of Gothic accessories that you would love to own and flaunt.
A pair of big black boots
If you are planning to buy Gothic boots, make sure to buy the ones with more and more buckles, because the more the buckles, the more stylish they are. The studded boots, with metal clasps and embellishments, are even better.
A black lipstick
Gothic fashion and styling are incomplete without a richly-hued black lipstick and is an effective way to show the world that you do not belong to them. You are special.
False piercings
Maybe you are a new member and not sure about the piercings, or you have strict parents who didn’t allow piercings on their kids’ faces, leading to the introduction of piercings in the 1990s.
Chipped black nails
Be it in the 1990s or at present, black nail paint has always been a favourite of the goths. But the girls are often found with chipped nails. Do you know why? Because the beautiful girls have other important things to concentrate upon like fighting the society or trying to connect to the other world. Nail paint is something very unimportant to them.
Themed bags
A gothic coffin bag or a skull-shaped novelty backpack, over just a plain, black oversized backpack would be a great choice for you to flaunt. Girls have coin purses and gothic handbags, but boys should have fun too. Thus, the backpacks.
Wired bracelets
A punk-style, studded wire bracelet, with engravings or embellishments in black rubber strips is so Gothic.
Ripped tights
We all are well aware of ripped jeans and ripped shorts, but do you know that ripped tights are a thing too? Ripped tights are something that people won’t allow us to wear, making it more gothic.
Choker with studs
For the young Goths who have just recently been introduced into the subcultures, a choker with studs would be an easy transition into a Gothic dressing.
Lacy gloves
Pretty dark and gothic, reminding of funerals, the lacy fingerless gloves are a great pair to the black outfits worn by the Victorian Goths.
Necklace with a ‘cross’
It may be a single cord or multiple cords creating layers with a little (or not so little) cross, which is no doubt the best Gothic symbol.
Pendant made of crystal
A super cool Gothic way to introduce occultism and dark vibes into your dressing is a crystal pendant. Though it might leave people wondering if you are into black magic and wizardry.
A small velvet coin pouch
For Gothic girls or women, a velvet pouch is probably the most favoured/desired accessory. The small ones are fitenough to carry coins and notes to schools and colleges and give a sneak peek at how you think differently than your friends and classmates whose favourite purse is baby pink in colour.