Running your digital marketing agency isn’t an easy thing to do. You would need to hire different team members to make sure that each phase of every project that you undertake, should be accomplished properly so that you can show your end clients the tangible results. After all, if someone is ready to pay you a significant amount every month or quarter then you automatically become responsible to deliver the tangible results. In this post, we will discuss some of the major professionals that any good digital marketing must-have. Before starting, let us first talk about how to find the first clients. Many digital marketers start with the wrong type of clients- who are either not ready to invest constantly in digital marketing or the ones who expect overnight miracles. Such clients aren’t the ideal clients for you to begin with. So, here are a few tips on how to pick your first clients for your digital marketing agency
Be careful when choosing clients for your new agency
Not everyone understands the importance of analytics and you may have a tough time convincing such prospects. All they need is quick results- higher rank, more traffic, and increased sales. So, it is best to communicate with only those clients who take data-based decisions. You can identify them by observing some key traits like
- They love data
- Have a keen marketing knowledge
- They are capable of immediately working on ideas
- They have long term focus
What are suitable businesses and personalities to become your client?
You also need to be selective about the personalities and businesses to approach. Here are a few businesses/personalities that are more likely to be converted into clients
- Good marketing teams with a decent digital presence
- Decisionmakers, CEOs or directors of companies for whom taking action on data is at the core like healthcare, finance and cybersecurity
- Fast growing bloggers
- Ecommerce directors
As you are now familiar with the initial factors lets come to the main topic of the post- different professionals needed for your digital marketing agencies:
Project Director
While his major responsibility is to review the team’s work the person may often transcend the KPIs to directly execute specific tasks with very high importance. Being an expert in the collection and processing of data, the project director assimilates team inputs/data and accordingly plans the workflow for optimum results. This person is also a great communicator and can efficiently convert complex technical terms/processes into simple everyday language that clients can easily digest. In some cases you may also delegate some other responsibilities to this profile like ensuring that protecting from IP footprints while working with blogging networks.
Analytics developer
This professional is an accomplished coder and well versed with the skill of using coding acumen for measuring marketing-related metrics. An analytics development works on the ground level to set up different integrations and tracking products to provide the right insights to the relevant professionals. The person is also involved in assisting the other professionals to determine the right type of tracking that can deliver the most accurate and actionable insight.
Junior analyst
A Junior analyst has a keen understanding of search engine optimization and possesses the skills in visualizing while also measuring the ate. This professional can help the team to work faster and achieve their goals in a stipulated period digital marketing agency. .
Expert in Technical SEO
As the name suggests this expert is more invested in the structural and technical aspects of the website and also responsibly for setting p a/b tests. The person is well versed in interpreting the SEO relevance of technical site aspects and optimize the same to help you get the maximum output and perform better on digital platforms.
Content lead
This person leads the entire team of writers and wisely integrates the SEO factors as well as reader-friendly aspects into the page/post articles. The person’s job is to wisely add the graphics, videos, images, and Informatics into the written matter to make it looks good, sound better d leave the right impression.
Link building expert
This person is responsible for creating high-quality videos that deliver the right value and keep people engaged for a long. The person creates appealing videos after understanding the expectations and objectives of the lead. He is also responsible for making videos that look uniformly good on different devices and deliver the best UX and UI experience. He is also responsible to make the videos SEO-friendly.
Professional in-house Illustrator
Illustrator is responsible for creating the images that keep the readers engaged for long and perfectly match the topic and the tone of the article. Just like the video editor, he is also responsible for making the illustrations that help in gaining a better ranking and allowing the website to appear in snippets.
Depending upon the requirements and services you provide, you may also need to hire people like web designer, virtual assistant, PPC expert, marketing automating executive, and editor.
To improve the ranking and get more leads from digital platforms, the businesses hire digital marketing agencies. That is why such agencies can earn a good amount. However, they also need t hire the right set of people with the required skillsets and talent. In this post, we discussed the professions you should hire for your first digital marketing company.