When the pandemic hit the world, people with small businesses were finally put on the map, and social media became an ecommerce site for many. Also, the original Ecommerce websites like Amazon and eBay have made tons of changes that might have set the standards for other Ecommerce websites. Now let’s see what is in the basket for the year 2022 and which trends ecommerce development companies will take into consideration:
1. Mobile Shopping
People were glued to their phones while working from home throughout the pandemic, including social media platforms for ecommerce websites. When it wasn’t possible to step out of our houses, thanks to Ecommerce sites, we would receive everything at our doorsteps. Thus, mobile shopping came to the rescue. The availability of apps helped many ecommerce websites party with the virtual footfalls. Many startups developed apps for their businesses as well because that is the future. According to a study, “40% of all online purchases made during the holiday season are done on smartphones.”
2. Social Media Presence
As mentioned above, social media apps had turned into Ecommerce websites for many, and the website that did not have social media presence lagged. According to a research study, “Online stores with a social media presence have an average of 32% more sales than those that don’t. ” Hence, in 2022, people with ecommerce businesses are sure to hire social media experts for their business and grow tremendously.
3. Supporting green
It has become a trend for not just any business but even ecommerce businesses to go green. However, a few genuinely believe in going green, and statistics show that people have supported those businesses more. This ecommerce trend will continue to be in the limelight, not just this year but in the following years to come, because people are more aware now. They believe in the brands that help them make a difference.
4. Omni channels
Why do ecommerce websites prefer to have Omni channels? Because they want to enhance the consumer experience by being available at the click of their thumbs and fingers and in a hardcore store. Brands that had the policy of being present online only have opened their stores and have their outlets at various locations because people need to trust the authenticity of brands. Hence, having a brick-and-mortar store could add value to your online brand.
5. Payment preferences
One of the ecommerce trends that have been a talking point is payment preference. Ecommerce businesses have made sure to make every payment method available to reach as many potential customers as possible. Initially, only two options were available – Cards and cash on deliveries. Wallets and other methods such as UPI have come into existence to make the user experience of payment as smooth as possible.
6. Not just B2C anymore
All the ecommerce business holders have started thinking about B2B customers because now is the time to expand and widen the audience. Big businesses cater to small businesses and vice versa. According to the same study, “By the year 2040, it’s estimated that 95% of all purchases will be made through ecommerce.” Hence, to become available for each customer, it is necessary to create products for every customer. It does not suffice to be a B2C seller or business doer anymore. You need to understand your potential consumers and expand the horizon.
7. Chatbots
Everyone likes guidance, don’t they? It is one of the simplest and cheapest ways that any Ecommerce website can thrive, not only amongst its potential set of customers but also amongst the non–potential ones. Chatbots will always do the honours and help out the customers, which will solve various issues for customers without the need for staffing. The keywords play a vital role in making the Chatbots an essential amenity for the users because they will take them to the product’s landing page that they wish to buy and have the potential to buy.
8. Recommendations
If you have searched for a product on Amazon once, you will remember that, like a girlfriend taking revenge by remembering everything for life. However, an ecommerce website remembering the requirements isn’t such a bad idea after all. It could mean more business for the ecommerce website. Speaking from personal experience, when I see the recommendation for more books, I buy more books, and hence the seller of books along with the website that works are a medium for them to list their products, thrive.
9. Voice search and language preferences:
You might have seen an advertisement on television regarding Amazon. They have upgraded the option of voice search and language preferences because there are a few items that one cannot type in English. Also, its meaning changes when it is written in English. Plus, not everyone in India knows the English language. Hence, they have invented the option of voice search in the local language. It has helped them gain many consumers over the pandemic. It could give them customers in the regions they might not have expected to reach hadn’t it been for a pandemic. Thus, it is considered the hit trend of the Ecommerce business within these two years and will keep on being a hit over the years.
To sum up:
Ecommerce websites are rapidly evolving to meet new consumer preferences by automating marketing, production, fulfilment, and other parts of their businesses. In a way, a pandemic has been a blessing for ecommerce websites because this has given them time to analyse what works for them. Also, when it comes to ecommerce websites, not one size fits all works. What works for Amazon might not work for eBay or Alibaba. Thus, research and execute what suits your business.
The above mentioned are only a few of the trends of Ecommerce business that are going to be a hit not only in 2022 but also in coming years. For the best results, it’s essential to realise what enables you to create excellent Omni channels experiences across in-store, web, and mobile channels, inculcating voice search with local language preference and supporting both B2B with B2B.