The tissues that line the nose inside part caused the bleeding, which is also called epistaxis. Nose bleeding is scary, but also it’s a rare indication of many serious medical problems. Close to the surface in front and back of the nose, many blood vessels located. Blood vessels of the nose are very fragile and bleed easily. The most common cause of nose bleeding is dry air, and it causes dryness in the nasal membrane, which are the inside tissues of the nose. To keep the air moist, we should use a humidifier in our houses, use decongestants and antihistamines in moderation to avoid dryness in the nose. We all are thinking about how to stop a blooding nose? Herbal treatments are best to cure and prevent nose bleeding, such as we can inhale nettle leaves dry powdered and use the juice of the nettle leaves and apply on each nostril that can help stop nose bleeding.
1. Types of Nose Bleeding
There are following two types of nose bleeding:
1.1 Anterior nose bleeding:
It starts in the front part of the nose on the lower side of the way that separates the septum. In the front area, the capillaries and blood vessels are fragile and can easily break, which causes bleeding. This is not a serious type of nose bleeding. It is common in children.
1.2 Posterior nose bleeding:
It occurs deep inside the nose. It caused bleeding in larger blood vessels near the throat in the back part of the nose. It caused heavy bleeding that may flow down the back of the throat. You need immediate medical attention when bleeding occurs in this part. It is more common in adults.
2. Causes of Nose Bleeding
The most common cause is dry air. The reasons for the dry air are hot and low humidity climate. It causes the nasal membrane to dry out, becoming crusty and likely to bleed when rubbed or picked. Other causes of nose bleeding are following:
- Upper respiratory infections like colds and sinusitis cause repeated coughing, sneezing, and nose blowing.
- Blowing nose with force and if you insert an object in your nose
- Injury to the nose or face and any allergic reaction that cause inflammation of the nasal lining
- Excessive use of blood-thinning drugs such as aspirin, warfarin, and others
- Cocaine and other different kinds of drugs inhaled through the nose
- Chemical irritants such as chemical fumes at the workplace
- High altitude can also cause nose bleeding because of a lack of oxygen.
- Deviated septum
- Use of nasal sprays and medications to treat study and itchy nose that causes the dryness in the nasal membrane
- Excessive alcohol intake, high blood pressure, Atherosclerosis, nasal surgery, nasal polyps, and some bleeding disorders such as hemophilia can cause nose bleeding, but these causes are less common.
3. Herbal Home Remedies to treat Nose Bleeding
Nose bleeding mostly happens in summers, but the question is, what stops nose bleeds? When it happens with you, first, you need to lie down on the bed on your back, it will help prevent blood from flowing down, and bleeding reduces. Following are the best natural remedies for bleeding nose:
3.1 Saline Water:
In half cup of water, add a pinch of salt and then put few drops of solution in nostrils. It will provide moisture to the inner lining of the nasal passages and prevent them from the process of rupturing.
3.2 Onion juice:
You can apply onion juice with the cotton ball on the affected nostril for 3 to 4 minutes. You can also put an onion slice under your nostrils and inhale its smell; it will help you to stop bleeding.
3.3 Cold compressor:
It is the most effective remedy. Put the cold pack around the nose and drink ice water. It is an immediate treatment for nose bleeding.
3.4 Coriander Leaves:
You can use coriander oil or fresh juice of coriander to coat the inner lining of the nose. For the cooling effect on the forehead, you can apply a paste of fresh coriander leaves that helps to stop bleeding quickly.
3.5 Cinnamon:
Soak cinnamon bark overnight in a shot glass of water. Then soak cotton in the solution and place it in the nostrils for relief.
3.6 Cayenne powder:
Add 1 teaspoon of cayenne powder into a cup of hot water and drink it. This remedy is very effective and helps you with bloody nose treatment.
3.7 Basil leaves:
You can use the juice of basil leaves, trickle in each nostril, and chew some fresh basil leaves. By using the basil leaves remedy, bleeding will stop immediately.
3.8 Baking soda:
Add half a teaspoon of salt and one and half four teaspoons of baking soda in a glass of water and spray it on the nose 3 to 4 times a day.
3.9 Apple Cider Vinegar:
In a half cup of water, add apple cider vinegar and dip a small cotton ball in it, put few ice cubes in it and then place the ball in nostrils for 8 to 1o minutes. You can also drink it 2 times a day after adding 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar to a glass of cold water.
3.10 Nasya Oil:
It is an old ayurvedic remedy for nose bleeding. It is usually used for the type caused by dry sinuses and chronic congestion. This remedy is safe and effective and does not show any side effects. This herb prepared from different herbs. It is one of the best effective nosebleed treatment at home.
We can buy herbal products to cure and prevent bleeding nose from any herbal store and get a consultation from trustworthy hakim online.
4. Vitamins to Cure Nose Bleeding
Following are the vitamins that we can use to cure nose bleeding conditions:
4.1 Vitamin K:
Vitamin K involved in collagen formation that helps to create a moist lining inside the nose. This vitamin helps to keep the blood vessels intact. We can increase the intake of vitamin K enrich foods like spinach, kale, cabbage etc. To facilitate blood clotting, green leafy vegetables are a very good source.
4.2 Vitamin C:
Vitamin C helps to keep the blood vessels stronger and less vulnerable.
Bleeding nose conditions can lead us to many harmful diseases. Therefore, we need to cure this condition immediately. Natural home remedies are very effective for this condition treatment that we can use at home easily.