Google ads is an online advertising service that places advertising on various sites throughout the Internet. Google ads are based on the content of the web pages, and the context in which words appear.
Google Ads Agency For Small Business In India
Search engine marketing (SEM) using AdWords is a form of internet advertising where advertisers pay to have their website, product, or service be placed in a prominent location on Google.com search results page under the top three results.
Users are able to refine their searches by adding negative keywords that refine the type of results returned for many keyword based searches. For example when you search for “ice cream” it will return an advertisement about ice cream, since the word “ice cream” is in your search query. If you want to eliminate all of the results that are related to ice cream then you can type in “no ice cream”.
As mentioned above Google ads are based on content and context. Contextual advertising means placing ads on web pages where they relate to either the content of the page or the context. When people search for something, they are looking for something that is relevant to what they searched for. So if you were to search for “buy car”, an advertiser could bid on keywords like “used cars” and hope that their ad shows up in the list of other ads.
It has several advantages:
Can match your target audience. Since Google search results are based on the content of the web page, advertisers can place their ads on sites where people searching for their targeted keywords are likely to spend time. This allows you to get potential clients who have more interest in what you offer and may be more likely to buy or sell your product or service.
You only pay when your website ad is clicked on. Unlike other advertising methods, with Google’s contextual ads you are charged for an ad display that is clicked on by the user. So if there are not enough people clicking on the words of your advertisement, you will not incur any charges since no one found it useful enough to click on.
You can refine your advertising based on keywords and location. Best Google Ads services Delhi allows you to refine your ad words by selecting category or map locations that are more relevant to what your product is and who you want to target, which makes the cost of advertising much cheaper than other forms of advertising such as newspapers and radio ads.
Google Search is the most widely used search engine in the world with a market share of more than 80%. With Google Ads you are not only reaching customers on one site, but all of its sites. For instance if someone is searching for “used cars” on Google UK they may get search results for Google UK and results from other countries such as Google US or Google India.
Ads Dekh kar Paise Kaise Kamaye
Google search results are closely tied to Google Places, which local advertising is a part of. This allows you to market your business even within the world’s most popular search engine site and medium and receive more targeted visitors coming from their own database and system as well as using Google keywords in any DoubleClick Campaigns you create for AdWords.
Google search results for any given keyword can be listed geographically, whether it is by city, country, or in Google’s case the continent and country that you are currently in. So if a user in London searches for “used cars” they get targeted ads from companies selling used cars nearby including some from India or other far away countries and continents and some of them can be of even better quality than others.
You get real time tracking, which allows you to observe how your campaign is doing in terms of clicks or impressions and understand who your potential customers are and what they like since Google Ads is tailored specifically for each visitor based on their search query (keyword) and location. Don’t waste your time BRP Media Group offers the best Pay Per Click services . Visit our website today.