When you replace and upgrade an existing fuse box, knowingly or unknowingly you contribute a lot in making your home electrically safe and hazard-free. But before that it is time to decide whether the existing one really needs a replacement. And the best person to guide you on it a skilled, qualified and experienced electrician. Before the professional passes on his judgement it is important that he carries out an inspection of it.
When it is about time to replace an existing fuse box
When a fuse box needs a replacement it starts giving out symptoms. You have to be able to read those signals promptly to make the overall replacement procedure fast, smooth, safe and hassle-free. Here are few tips to look for to know it is about time for fuse board upgrade.
Does your consumer unit have a wooden backing? It is important mentioning that a fuse box is also popularly referred to as a consumer unit or CU.
If your consumer unit has a solid wooden backing it indicates the item is pretty old. Chances are always higher that CUs that have a wooden box covering also have switches made of cast iron. Either of these is a sign that your consumer unit has to be replaced now with something that is contemporary and user-friendly.
RCD or residual current device
It is more obvious that older versions of fuse box – like the ones mentioned above – do not have RCDs. An RCD is the shortened form of residual current device. It is a crucial component of a consumer unit; it automatically disconnects electric connection whenever an abnormal condition sets in – like a fuse blows. An RCD disconnects power supply only to prevent electric shock. An electric is a potential life risk. Therefore modern electrical systems have been designed in a way those are highly efficient in avoiding the danger of electric shocks.
If you have plans for installing a shower or an extension in near future, it is always a smart approach to ascertain beforehand that your electrics are right up to the mark.
Firm grounds to replace a consumer unit
Replacement of a CU or consumer unit always has to be done based on valid reasons or firm grounds. When you do it based on firm grounds you ensure safety for every household member as well as for the property itself. This is more than true when you have an old consumer unit installed – like the ones we have discussed above.
Once the RCDs are in their place, you are now ready to resume other pending works like changing fuses and bulbs, building that extension you always had in pipeline or even start plumbing in that shower. With the RCDs properly placed, up and functioning just any tradesman you hire can access your home electrics safely.
Electricity is potentially hazardous. Therefore accidents may still occur any moment. But when you have a modern consumer unit installed accidents are not likely to claim lives. On the other hand when you hang around with your old obsolete consumer unit then chances of life-threatening accidents are higher. An example here will be more appropriate,
Suppose an electrical appliance in home cuts through the flex. Now when someone picks up the flex unknowing about the latest development the person suffers an electrical shock. An experienced electrician in Richmond says in such cases hospitalisation is very common and in some cases the victim succumbs to electrocution.
Minimising the risk of electrical fires
A modern fuse box minimises the chances of electrical fire because it can efficient locate faults in wiring and disconnects the electric supply. As a result there is less heat build-up to start a fire.