A night light is a middle mode between total darkness and a bright room lamp. Because of the night light it is never completely dark. This can help when children are afraid of shadows in the dark, for example. A night light is also nice for mom or dad because they can quickly see and check their little one. If your child cries at night, a night light is often nicer than a bright room lamp. The room is slightly brighter, making scary shadows disappear, but the light isn’t too bright, which affects sleep.
From when a night light?
Being afraid of the dark is something that is learned. By nature, a baby is not afraid of the dark. This usually does not develop until around the second birthday, if at all. Before that, it can be useful for the parents to have a night light to find the little one faster. If your child is slightly older, the light can also help him or her to go to the toilet independently. Blue light reduces the production of melatonin. This hormone makes you sleepy. Blue light could therefore influence the sleep of the little one. To prevent this, red light is recommended.
Baby night light with music
Baby night lights come in all different shapes and sizes. There are only functional night lights, but there are also night lights that look nice. If your child wakes up at night and he or she sees the light, this can give a familiar feeling. Some night lights play music, which then serve as lullabies. The lullabies give your child peace of mind and help your little one to fall asleep peacefully. The combination with the soft light then reinforces each other.
Battery or socket?
It is already known that night lights come in all shapes and sizes. You also have the choice of electricity. When the lamp has to be connected via a socket, you have less choice where you place the lamp. You therefore have to deal with a plug that runs somewhere across the room. You do not have this problem with a battery-operated light. It can be a problem when the batteries are empty and you no longer have batteries in the house.
Power sources of night lamps are another point of doubt about these products. Generally speaking, there are three types of night lamp. First of all, a night lamp that you plug into the socket. The mechanism in these night lamps works very simply and is a matter of plugging in the socket and pressing the button. There are night lights with a cable, but also lights that you plug directly into the socket.
Batteries are another possible power source for night lamps. Sleeping lights with a battery have the advantage that they are often portable. A battery powered lamp can often burn continuously for 10 to 15 hours, until you have to recharge the battery. Thirdly, there are also models of night lamps that work on batteries. Also mostly portable, but with just a little more autonomy.
Integrated technology is another topic to consider. The most advanced night lamp models have LED technology. With low energy consumption and impressive durability. The price of these night lamps is higher, but in the long run this pays off. Of course there are even LED lamps in the form of classic light bulbs. It’s just what you want.
Energy consumption of a night lamp with LED technology is up to 80% lower than that of a traditional night lamp. Because LED lights do not heat up, it does not matter if your child touches the night light while it is on, before going to sleep. Also, this technology allows you to adjust the color and intensity of the light. For many parents and children this is an absolute added value.
Product material
The material from which a night lamp is made is an important subject to consider. Especially when your little one is still a baby, you have to think about this carefully, because everything that a baby gets in the hands brings it to the mouth. Also a night lamp. For this reason, it is wise to go for an unbreakable and waterproof material that is flexible and has a soft texture. This way your baby also has a toy.
Silicone, plexiglass and polypropylene are some of these materials for night lamps. Be sure to check if there are any toxic substances in the night lamp so you can leave it quietly with the kids. A tip: pay attention to the letters CE, this stands for approval according to European guidelines.
Finally, it is important to pay attention to the ease of use of the night lamp.
Depending on the functionalities of the light, there are models in which you can adjust the colour, as well as the gloss and intensity. We recommend that you choose a night light for children that is easy and quick to use, both for the parents and for the children themselves.
Operation by touching or tapping is also often possible with night lamps. They are activated with a short click or tap and turn off by repeating this. Some night lights have special buttons for this, some even have a menu. Oh, and let’s not forget those night lamps that you can control with remote control, a feature not to be underestimated. Because you don’t have to get close first to operate the night lamp.