Ever wondered why is Chinese tea safe from pollution? The tea leaves are completely organic in composition and contain no chemical pesticides, herbicides, or fertilizer by-products in them at all. There are no high levels of lead, chlorine, or any other hazardous chemicals whatsoever. According to Chinese government records, nearly 4.5 million individuals die each year from water and air pollution, mostly from the toxic consumption of various raw materials associated with the tea manufacturing industry, especially cadmium, iron, and manganese. But is it really safe to drink tea?
History Of Tea
To answer this question, we first need to look at the history of tea cultivation in China. In the earliest years of Chinese Green Tea Supplier history, tea was used as both a medicinal and preservative. Dried tea leaves were used as a digestive aid, to relieve stomach pains and to treat asthma. During the Song Dynasty (ebook Era), the very first Chinese paper currency was created from tea leaves and hemp fiber. The very first attempts to commercialize tea failed miserably, but when manufacturing became more sophisticated, China quickly became the world’s primary source of tea.
Throughout the ages, China has been hit by one of the worst global environmental crises in history: The Great Yellow Depression. Between 16med and 22med, there was an incredible rise in the level of heavy metals contamination in China’s water supply. Much of this contaminated water came from farmers’ practices of burning off crops with firewood in their homes, rather than using chemical fertilizers. As the years passed, efforts to clean up the contaminated areas of the environment increased. Today, China boasts one of the best water treatment and filtration systems in the world.
Advanced Filtration Technologies
Today, the rising levels of heavy metal contamination in Chinese water supplies are largely a thing of the past. Because of advanced water treatment and filtration technologies, China is now able to boast the lowest levels of contamination among all major countries. In fact, the recent World Health Organization reports that since 2021 China has dramatically reduced its number of new cases of heavy metal poisoning, which has drastically reduced the number of premature deaths from such diseases. Since more people in China are now able to drink safe tap water instead of drinking contaminated bottled water, the country has realized that reducing the number of premature deaths caused by water contamination is a huge public health benefit.
In addition to the obvious health benefits of pure tea, another reason to drink it is the fact that it has virtually no taste or odor. This is because tea leaves are steamed until smooth and they do not release any of the volatile compounds (such as caffeine) during the heating process. Therefore, tea drinkers in China are enjoying a beverage that has virtually no taste or odor.
Beneficial Nutrients
The third reason to drink Chinese tea is the large amount of beneficial nutrients that are found within the tea leaves. For example, while Western consumers typically consume large amounts of caffeine, green tea health benefits experts have discovered that certain types of tea contain high amounts of polyphenols. Polyphenols are powerful antioxidants that help to protect the body from harmful environmental toxins and can even help to reverse some of the damage done to the body by free radicals in the environment. For this reason, green tea consumption has been shown to be beneficial to both heart health and to longevity.
Green tea has also been found to be highly effective at removing some of the pesticides that are currently present in soil. Indeed, since the 1980s many Chinese farmers have been using tea bags to filter out pesticides and fertilizers. Recently, scientists have discovered that drinking one or two cups of green tea per day can help to protect your body from exposure to a variety of different pesticides. Interestingly enough, the pesticides that are contained in these packets of tea are not considered to be unsafe for consumption. In fact, there have been no documented reports of negative effects on the general public from consuming these teas.
On a final note, it is important to mention that although Japan has been implementing laws that prohibit the use of melamine, a common plasticizer, within the production of baby bottles, mrls remain unregulated in the United States. For this reason it is extremely important that you make sure that you are purchasing and drinking your japanese tea only from a trusted and registered distributor. With a little bit of research, you can ensure that you are keeping yourself and your family safe from exposure to potentially toxic pesticides contamination.