If you are the site owner and want to be found in the search engines Yandex and Google and get to the top of the search results, then this article is for you. This material will introduce search engine optimization (SEO) and an overview of the must-have marketing tactics.
What you will learn from this SEO beginner guide:
- What is SEO, and why is it so important?
- Working with keywords
- Optimizing pages: basic principles
- Site architecture and internal linking
- How to combine content marketing and link building?
- Technical errors and methods of solving them
- SEO results: tracking and measuring
- Additional SEO Practices
- By the time you finish reading this guide, you will have a solid understanding of what SEO is, how to apply it, why it matters to your website and business in general, and finally, how to achieve visible results in an ever-changing SEO environment.
- What is SEO, and why is it important?
You’ve probably heard about SEO. And if they didn’t, they could just read the definition of the term in Wikipedia. But understanding that SEO is “a set of measures for internal and external optimization to improve the position of a site in the search engine results for certain user requests” does not help solve the problems of your business and site. For example:
- How to optimize your site or client’s site for search engines?
- How to increase your site’s organic visibility so that users can easily find your content?
- How do you know how much time to spend on SEO?
- How can you tell “good” SEO tips from “bad” or even “bad” ones?
- And what will interest you as a business owner or employee is how you can use SEO effectively to drive more relevant traffic to your website, leads, sales, and ultimately, revenue and profits for your business. This is what we want to draw attention to in our guide.
Why should you pay attention to SEO?
Billions of people search for something on the internet every day. Therefore, organic traffic is compelling because it is significant in quantitative terms and consists of specific queries, often containing a particular intent.
Let’s imagine the situation. For example, let’s say you sell video recorders. Would you prefer to advertise your product on a billboard in a specific area of the city so that every car owner in that area sees the advertisement (whether they need a dashboard or not)? Or suggesting a product every time someone types the query: “buy a DVR” into the search box? Most likely, the second option, because these users have commercial intent in their request. That is, they stand up and say that they want to buy what you have to offer.
What Helps Increase Search Engine Traffic?
TOP-10 search engines in Russia (at the end of the 20th year):
- Google – 53.9% (73.5 million clicks)
- Yandex – 43.1% (58.7 million clicks)
- Search.Mail.ru – 2.7% (3.6 million hits)
- Rambler – 0.1% (181 thousand hits)
- Bing – 0.1% (147k clicks)
- Tut.by – 0.01% (12 thousand clicks)
- Yahoo – 0.001% (6.5K clicks)
The share of traffic in Russia is now divided between search engines in approximately the same ratio, but Yandex and Google invariably occupy the leading positions. Therefore, most SEO Agency in Russia usually focus on them. However, to get into the search results of these two search engines, you need to understand the basic principles of their algorithms and the principles of site ranking.
Search engine algorithms are constantly being updated, and every year it becomes more and more challenging to get to the top of the search results and keep your positions there. Unfortunately, many of the cheap and easy ways to increase your rankings have become extremely risky and threatened with sanctions from the search engines.
So what works? How do Google and Yandex determine which pages to return in response to what people are looking for? How do you get all this valuable traffic to your site?
- Google’s algorithm is highly complex, and here are the basic principles that guide it when ranking sites:
- Google searches for pages that contain high-quality and up-to-date information about the user’s request.
- It determines relevance by “scanning” your site’s content and evaluating (using algorithms) whether that content matches what the user is looking for, usually based on the keywords in the range.
- Google determines the “quality” of a site in various ways, but it is still essential to it the quantity and quality of other websites that link to your page and your place in general.
- Google’s algorithm also evaluates additional elements to determine where your site will rank, for example:
How do people interact with your site (do they find the information they want and stay on it, or return to the search page and follow another link, or are they just ignoring you in search results?)
- Your website loading speed and mobile convenience
- How much unique content do you have (versus low value or duplicate content)
- Google’s algorithm considers hundreds of ranking factors in response to search queries, and they are constantly updating and improving their process.