Who Are Caregivers?
Caregivers are trained professionals who help people perform their daily everyday tasks. Some people find it difficult to even perform their basic everyday tasks. These people require the help and assistance of a caregiver. Caregivers can be hired for a short or a long period of time. Some caregivers also provide a 24-hour service for their patients. In their period of stay at their patient’s residence, the caregivers make sure to keep every single need of their patient in account. They have to make sure to be a helping hand for every minor task that the patient might find difficult. These tasks can be long and hard such as helping the patient shower to helping the patient open a jar of jam. Hence, caregivers provide help in anything that is difficult for the person to take care of on their own.
Who Is A Certified Nursing Assistant?
Like caregivers, certifies nursing assistants are also there to help a patient get through with their daily routine. Other than that, certified nursing assistants are also capable of providing immediate medical attention for their patients. However, the only difference in both the professions is that the certifies nursing assistants are more qualified and hence receive a larger amount of salary than simple caregivers. The other thing that a certified medical assistant provides that a caregiver does not is medical care. Caregivers do not have any qualification or expertise in the medical area. Which is why, if your loved one is suffering from a disease that requires medical attention, opt for a certified medical assistant instead of a caregiver.
Drawbacks Of Being A Caregiver
Caregiving is an amazing profession with a lot of opportunities that lie ahead. Some people really enjoy their work as a caregiver however, others find it difficult and sometimes quite depressing. The leading disadvantages of being a caregiver are:
- Less time for themselves: Caregivers are no less than super heroes. They spend their entire day taking care of their patients. This leaves them with a very little time to spend on themselves. Especially, the caregivers who sign up for a 24-duty.
- The pressure of working alone: Most caregivers work alone. Sometimes, only being around a patient the whole day can get pretty hectic and lonely. It greatly affects the mental health of the caregiver.
- Less income: The workload of a caregiver is immense as compared to the salary they receive. Which sometimes makes the caregivers reconsider their career options.
- Exhaustion: working 24 hours a day as a caregiver is just as exhausting as it sounds. Caregivers are special being with a different kind of patience and endurance. They barely find any spare time to take a break because their patients rely greatly on them for every little thing. However, it isn’t true in all cases. Caregivers do get time around the clock when the patient doesn’t really require any sort of assistance. But it still doesn’t resolve the issue of the caregivers being free to do whatever they want at any time of the day. They have to schedule everything according to the needs of their patients.
- Effect on physical health: Being a caregiver can drain a person’s physical energy just as much as his mental energy. Only people with a will stronger than themselves can work and succeed as caregivers. Most people tend to quit due to constant physical and mental pressure.
People Who Might Need Caregivers
Anyone who falls under the category of disable or having an inability to perform their daily tasks require a caregiver. This list goes on from little children to elderly patients. Diseased personal to an injured person, anyone may require the services of a caregiver. However, mostly aged adults and old people with disorders and disabilities require the care of professional caregivers.
Professional Caregivers In Karachi
Finding a 12–24-hour caregiver in Karachi has never been this easy. Because, “Holistic Healthcare Services” provide the most reliable service of caregivers in Karachi. Their male and female caregivers are highly trained and professional.