Every day you wake up, it has a huge impact on your life whether it’s positively or negatively on your whole day. By acquiring a healthy morning routine, you can improve your productivity, boost your moods, and reduce stress.
The majority of the people wake up early morning with a burden of responsibilities that end up dictating the flow of their whole day. If you are having any pets or kids, you need to be available for them. Most people have many morning chores, they need to make breakfast, be ready for work, and much more. I am not advising you to avoid your responsibilities. But the reality is, you will be ready to handle everything on your plate every morning if you commence with a productive health care routine.
Here below I am sharing seven important ways to improve that we learned from professional assignment help UK and make your morning routine better:
- Manage Your Spirit, Not Your Time
If you for a moment ponder over it, you’ll without a doubt realize that you are better at performing some specific tasks at specific times. For instance, my creativity level is very high in the early hours of the morning, so I try to write in my journal and work on my blog.
By comparing, I avoid all the phone calls and emails and don’t engage in things I can’t be creative at, so I use my creativity in creating something. For me, morning time is the best to be creative. And be able to express myself in something I love, all the other things come after the morning like hitting the gym.
What kind of energy do you feel in the morning? What is your energy best suited for?
- Ignore The Emails Till Noon
It sounds so simple, yet nobody practices. It took me a long time to get over the need to open my mailbox or Gmail. But soon I realized that these things can wait for a few hours. Nobody is going to reach you by email if there is an emergency. If there is something too important, people are going to call you and tell you. Always utilize the mornings to do what’s most important to you rather than answering what’s urgent.
- Get Things Ready The Night Before
I should practice this regularly, which I usually forget, but if you only do this thing like making you’re to-do-list a night before. By doing this, you’ll have clarity about how to spend your day.
Whenever I make a to-do list, I’ll mark down the tasks I am going to perform in the entire day, and make a list of all the things I am planning to do. It takes around 10-15 minutes every night and saves around 3-4 hours every day.
- Switch Off Your Phone And Put It Somewhere Else
Never keep your phone with you in the early morning, put it somewhere else which is out of your reach. This gets rid of the urge to see Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and text messages. This simple tactic eliminates the risk of falling into the trap of wasting your time. Also, it saves you from giving your undivided attention to your tasks.
- Reward Yourself With Something To Eat
I usually perform irregular fasting, which means I consume my first meal around noon every day. I’ve been practicing it for two years. There are many benefits when it comes to health.
But health is just one part of the riddle, I also fast because it keeps achieving more in a day. Take some time to ponder upon how much people spend time each day planning, thinking, and eating more food. By embracing intermittent fasting, I don’t have to waste my time every morning thinking about what to eat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Rather, I spend my mornings doing something meaningful that adds value to my life. After that, I reward myself by eating good meals as a treat for working hard.
- Work In A Nice Place
Have you ever wondered how you feel dazed and inactive in a hot room? Turning the temperature down or moving to a cooler place is a better way to keep your mind and body focused and concentrated.
- Keep Standing Or Sit Up
Your brain needs oxygen to function properly. And your lungs need to be able to enlarge and contract to have plenty of oxygen in your body. That sounds easy enough, but here’s a big problem: most people sit for long hours on screens and keep typing.
When you remain sitting in the same position for long hours, your chest is in a slump position and your diaphragm is pressed against your lungs. This hinders your ability to properly breathe. You should always sit up straight or stand up and you’ll see that you are breathing properly.
As a result, your brain will consume more oxygen and you’ll be able to focus better.