The websites built on Jamstack technology are not a periodic threat that will vanish in the air after some time, it is here to stay with its benefits that are removing the disadvantages of the traditional website and app development architectures to a greater extent. The front and backend being separated making the website supported microservices is that the latest architecture for development that’s for simple the designing, development, and promotion teams also. All the rewards are near to form an internet site and technology an enormous success.
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Gatsby SSG and Headless WordPress
Gatsby being an SSG can take data from any source and when WordPress is getting used as headless CMS having APIs like GraphQL it becomes a perfect pair. Gatsby has some great plugins to source data from the CMS like WordPress. Jamstack websites are built with modern techniques, designs and latest programming where they benefit the companies during a number of the way.
WordPress as a headless CMS and Gatsby as a static site generator are two different approaches for website development. On one side there’s a monolithic approach to website development and on the opposite, there’s the static site being available. the 2 different approaches may be a very interesting combination in Jamstack technology where the front and back-end makes the right sense.
Benefits of Gatsby WordPress Websites
Some developers find pleasure in developing on WordPress again due to using it as a database center. A WordPress website that’s being hosted on Netlify with some appealing features may be a dream come true. Some pages are often made static with others are often loaded dynamically through Gatsby and headless WordPress.
The plugin that’s employed by WordPress for managing the connection in terms of APIs is GraphQL that’s a Gatsby-friendly plugin. Some developers also believe that there’ll be alternative methods of connecting them within the same efficient manner and Rest APIs will trigger the connection. the website content got to be pushed on a platform like Github and bitbucket which is a code generator and therefore the SSGs read the code in terms of HTML files. But the user might not necessarily know the event techniques, languages, and other skills to try to do the needful.
Building an internet site on Jamstack would be another big story where you’ll be employing a complete package of WordPress, Gatsby, APIs, and therefore the hosting and other installations.
Some platforms offering built-in and no-code solutions are the right marketplaces for non-developers and on the opposite hand, the developers and therefore the tech freaks would dig things bent to learn more about the technology.
WordPress is the most famous content management system, famous for being successfully used by millions of people one way or another.
Using Headless WordPress Themes to design Webpages
GatsbyJS is a static site generator built with ReactJS and powered by headless wordpress themes and GraphQL. Gatsby allows anyone to make feature-rich, engaging websites and applications. Gatsby fetches data for your site from a spread of sources including existing websites, API calls, and flat files through GraphQL, and builds the static site-supported configuration settings specified by you.
Updates and Changes: WordPress is one among the foremost regularly updated CMS, but it still can’t meet the speed with which front-end technologies change. Staying up-to-date with these added structural modifications is super hard and brings further responsibility.
Deployment and Continuous Integration: immediately limited deploying and continuous integration options exist within the WordPress ecosystem. the method isn’t only challenging but requires tons of cash.
Using Headless WordPress to maintain the content
If you’ve got a headless wordpress themes site and you would like to possess its front-end built with Gatsby.js all you would like to do is pull the prevailing data into your static Gatsby site. The method of connecting Gatsby to WordPress is to fetch your WordPress data, which is triggered by a build. When GatsbyJS fetches the content from WordPress using GraphQL APIs, it creates the static site based on the modern design template.
You’d point Gatsby to the address of your WordPress blog to enable it to tug the newest data once you run the event server or generate the static pages. The method uses the WordPress site features a source for the posts on Gatsby. To facilitate this exchange, you would like to put in Gatsby’s plugin for WordPress through command.
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Next-generation development with headless WordPress Themes
Next, add a plugin to Gatsby’s configuration file gatsby-config.js. Then, add the subsequent code to the file to attach Gatsby to your WordPress source.
Once you’ve specified the source of the WordPress site in your configuration file, you would like to specify what data must be extracted from the WordPress site. Gatsby uses GraphQL, an open-source command language for APIs, to urge WordPress posts in bulk.
Once your Gatsby site is fetching data from your WordPress source URL, it is time to make your site pages. This is often done by implementing the createPages API within the gatsby-node.js.
Gatsby.js not only provides a quick web experience but brings several added benefits which may uplift your WordPress site to the subsequent level. Taking the choice of website converting your WordPress site to a static site taking advantage of Gatsby is often a challenging task.
To do so, you ought to execute the subsequent steps:
- Install Gatsby to built a starter site
- Connect Gatsby to WordPress source through GraphQL
- Create templates for blog posts
- Import all of your images from WordPress
- Display the last modified timestamp from WordPress
The webpages are created with all the useful content within them but if you’d wish to add the content from other sources, Gatsby has made it easy for you to fetch data using GraphQL in a more simplified way. GraphQL is a query-based language that will pull the info that you simply need. Moreover, GraphQL servers can easily be configured even in enterprise sites. Unlike classical backend development, this feature handles the info sources.
Author Bio:- Naveen kumar is technical content writer and marketer like to write about wordpress themes and plugins. You can write more article on free guest posting sites