Are you planning to write a great guest post? If yes, in this article, we have come up with some of the best tactics that will help you in writing the most successful guest post.
When you choose paid guest posts, it is important to know that the right strategies are followed in writing guest posts. If done right, these strategies will help you in boosting positions on Google, and you will also be able to fulfill your content marketing goals. A Great guest post is a great tool that can help you in fulfilling your content marketing objectives.
A good guest post will funnel people to an outcome.
When you are writing a guest post or when you are posting it to another website, you will witness a space where you need to write a biography. In this biography section, you need to add a link so that the link can take your readers back to the blog.
The biggest mistake made by new bloggers is that they don’t think much about where they are sending their new readings. Sending your readers to a random post or the homepage of your website will be just a waste of time. If you want to fuel your great guest posts, try to use a content funnel to direct the traffic towards an outcome.
These outcomes can be to a free eBook, products, or the service page of your website. Never assume that your target audience will find the products and services themselves.
A sister post
Most bloggers and content writers don’t pay attention, but a guest post should always be followed by a sister post. A sister post can be used to create fame for your guest post, and in the long run, you will be able to create a buzz for your blog.
You can also mention big bloggers in your guest blog. You can also give them a reason to tweet about your blogs, and they can also write a follow-up post. Never reach out to paid guest posts unless you are asked, and you are in urgent need.
Aim at long term result
When you are writing a guest post, it should be aimed towards a long-term objective rather than a short-term goal. There are lots of benefits of guest posting. But, in the short term, you only need to create momentum for your post. You can’t just write a guest blog and think about getting customers instantly.
You should keep in mind that a guest post is a long-term strategy, and you should have a goal of ten years when you are writing a guest post. When you want a long-term goal from your guest postings, you need to do some solid keyword research, and you can also try to write exhaustive posts that can cover different issues.
Have an anchor text strategy
An anchor text is a keyword that is used when you link to a post. You might be aware that to have a successful SEO campaign, you need to have relevant backlinks. This way, you will be able to get good rankings on Google.
Before you write a guest post, you should complete the keyword research, and you should be aware of the phrases that you want to rank for. This way, you will be aware of the amount of traffic that each blog will bring.
You should always keep in mind that guest posts should be written in such a way that they can garner love from Google for the next ten years. Once your guest post is live, you can use a backlinking technique to use it for another anchor text. This way, you will be able to elevate your post on someone else’s website.
Each comment should be used as a material.
Most people tend to ignore the comments that they receive on their guest posts. But, if you don’t want to get paid guest posts, one of the best ways can be to stick around and answer all questions that are asked in the comment section of your post.
Being active in the comment section will help you in building a long-term relationship. You may not believe this, but the comment section can help you in enhancing and improving your brand strategy. If you don’t believe us, try it yourself. You will be able to build loyal readers by answering in the comment sections.
If a comment or a question is good, you can get an idea from it, and you can try to create a new post out of it. So, these are some of the major tactics that you can use to come up with a result-oriented guest post.