Best Search Engines used in The World

Search engines have become an integral part of our daily lives, whether we’re seeking Xmas gifts, a nearby coffee shop that opens before 7 a.m., or the best steakhouse in town. People are becoming increasingly reliant on search engines to answer their everyday questions.

We use a number of statistics at Inspire to track our search traffic. The majority of the queries we received were linked to what we do, but some were just strange. Those who are interested in our services, such as boosting search rankings, web design, and web development, among others.

Despite the fact that we use “all ways to market,” we still rely significantly on search engines for our daily traffic.

According to the survey, consumers may have thought that because Google is a strong global player, it is likewise dominating in every market.

As a result, we thought a rundown on the rest of the world would be useful, so let’s have a look at the top 12 search engines in the world.


List of the World’s Top 12 Best Search Engines 


  1. Google


The Google Search Engine is the best search engine on the planet and one of Google’s most popular products. Google controls more than 70% of the search engine market. The tech behemoth is constantly evolving and striving to improve its search engine algorithm in order to offer the best results to users. Despite the fact that Google appears to be the most popular search engine, YouTube has overtaken Google in terms of popularity in 2015. (on desktop computers).

  1. Bing 


Bing was established in 2009 as Microsoft’s response to Google. Bing is the default search engine in Microsoft’s web browser. Bing is constantly attempting to improve its search engine, but it still has a long way to go before it can compete with Google. Image, web, and video searches, as well as maps, are all available through Microsoft’s search engine.

Bing created Places (Google My Business is the same), which is a wonderful platform for businesses to upload their information to improve their search results.


  1. Use Yahoo!


Yahoo and Bing are more competitive with one another than with Google. According to a recent survey from, Yahoo has a market share of 7.68 percent. Although they are a leader in terms of free email, they have now acknowledged that their User Details and Passwords were hacked last year.

  1. Baidu 


Baidu, China’s most popular search engine, was launched in January 2000 by Eric Xu, a Chinese entrepreneur. The purpose of this web search is to provide results for web pages, audio files, and photos. It also offers a variety of other services, including as maps, news, cloud storage, and much more.


  1. AOL is another popular search engine. These are the same people who used to send you CDs with their browser and modem software to install on your computer. They used to be the dominant player, but now only have a 0.59 percent market share. Verizon Communications paid $4.4 billion for AOL. Control Video Corporation was established in 1983. In 1991, it was known as America Online, and in 2009, it was known as AOL Inc. AOL is a New York-based multinational media corporation. AOL Advertising, AOL Mail, and AOL Platform are some of the company’s advertising services.



In 1995,, originally known as Ask Jeeves, was launched. Their main idea was to provide search results that were based on a basic question-and-answer web format. It’s a question-and-answer site where you can receive answers to your questions and it incorporates a significant quantity of archive material to do so. Because of the reliance on archived and active user contributions, the results will be less up to date than those found in Google, Bing, and Yahoo. They’ve tried to counter this by using a third-party search engine when their resources don’t contain the answer. They don’t say who this is, which is interesting.

  1. Excite


Excite is a lesser-known brand that nonetheless makes the top ten. Excite is an online service portal that offers email, a search engine, news, instant chat, and weather updates, among other things. This also gives us access to the most recent trends, themes, and keyword searches, such as: What can President Trump actually do?


  1. DuckDuckGo 


DuckDuckGo is a well-known search engine that prioritizes user privacy. Unlike, they are open about who they work with to generate search results; they have Yahoo, Bing, and Yummly on board. It was founded in 2008 by Gabriel Weinberg in California, and it is funded by the Yahoo-Bing search alliance network and affiliates.


  1. Wolfram Alpha 


Wolfram Alpha is a computational knowledge search engine that doesn’t return a list of documents or web pages as a result of its search. The results are based on the query’s facts and data. Their goal statement states that they want to make all systematic knowledge computable and widely available. They have a Pro solution with pricing for Students and Educators, which was launched in 2009. It’s an excellent tool for the correct market, despite its narrow focus.

  1. Yandex 


Yandex is Russia’s most popular search engine, having been launched in 1997. Yandex is also well-established in Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Belarus, and Turkey. Yandex Maps, Yandex Music, an online translator, and Yandex Money are some of the services it offers.


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